“Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels; Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles*…These are a few of my favorite things.”

–“My Favorite Things,” from The Sound of Music.

Okay, I admit it up front: I’ve got some pet peeves–things that really bug me. But, hey, we all do! Right? Think about it. What are the things that just make you want to scream?

I don’t mean the major issues of the day: Border security, the environment, racial justice, fiscal policy, etc. I mean the little stuff–the things that irritate you the way a tiny pebble inside your shoe drives you nuts.

At the risk of embarrassment, I’ll list some of mine:

• Drivers who don’t use their blinkers.

• Drivers who look at the “STOP” on a stop sign and somehow see “ROLLING STOP.”

• Drivers who don’t give walkers, runners, and cyclists a wide berth; one misstep or swerve, and….

• Men who wear their ball caps or hats when indoors (especially at restaurants).

• People who try to enter an elevator before those already on it have a chance to exit.

• Weak handshakes with no eye contact.

• People who ask “How are you?,” but then don’t stop to hear your answer.

• People who litter (especially those who’ve obviously dumped their car’s ashtray on the pavement).

I know; small things, for sure. But give me some credit–at least the first three are road safety issues.

Let me tell you about one pet peeve I’ve conquered. It’s drivers who speed past a line of cars and, when the line begins to move, squeeze into your lane, barely missing the front quarter panel of your car.

Man, I hated that–so much so that I’d almost play bumper cars with the car ahead of me just to prevent a car from moving over. Finally, I decided I was being silly, and experiencing way too much angst over it.

It sounds hokey, I know, but I gave it to God (like He cares about such things!), and said, “You know what? I’m over it. I’ll keep my usual distance, and if they move over, so be it.”

Here’s what happened: people stopped trying to butt in ahead of me. Or, maybe they still move over, but I just don’t notice it anymore!

One more thing, before I get to my point: Who’s tired of people wearing their feelings on their sleeves? People who must be approached as though we’re walking on eggshells? Well, get in line.

Society has become so sensitive about everything, and I don’t mean truly offensive stuff; rather, just simple things that were once okay to discuss. Political correctness run amuck. Do we really want to emulate politicians in patterning our behavior? As Kevin said in Home Alone, “I don’t think so.”

Here’s my point. Can’t we just let it go? Stop sweating the small stuff and, by doing so, we’ll realize it’s almost all small stuff! As Dr. Luke once said, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones (Luke 16:10).”

Life is short (which is why we should eat dessert first!). But, seriously, can’t we all show each other a little grace and mercy? When we disagree, can’t we do so without being disagreeable?

Finally, here’s my challenge. Pick one of your biggest pet peeves, and try to give it up–your version of that car that always pulled over and tried to become my hood ornament. See how it goes.

And, dare you be so brave, shoot a comment to me naming just one of your pet peeves. We can all use a reason to smile!

*What the heck is “schnitzel with noodles?!”


  1. Lissa Archer June 15, 2021 at 11:53 am - Reply

    Great blog and great advice, Tim! I do share some of your pet peeves. Here’s another of mine (which also happens to be road safety-related): people who pull right out in front of you as though you’re invisible, drive slowly for one block and then turn right – often without using their blinker!! 😡 Another is pretty disgusting: people who urinate on public toilet seats (obviously in the ladies’ restroom).

    I will try to follow suit and give these irritations over to God and try to practice more patience with others. Our world would be a better place if everyone were more self-less and thoughtful of others. 😇

  2. Torrens Miller June 15, 2021 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    It bothers me when men fail to open doors for the ladies they are with. I see this all the time at restaurants, stores, doctors offices, etc.

  3. Brad Helms June 15, 2021 at 2:48 pm - Reply

    Tim, you always bring interesting things to the table.
    My number one pet peeve is the phrase “No Problem”, that you hear from most waiters, waitresses and from the majority of people that work at grocery stores and retail establishments. How did that phase originate anyway? It’s two negative words. If someone brings me a refill of sweet iced tea and I tell them “Thank You”, if they respond “ No Problem”, does it mean it use to be a problem but not at the present time? Just say “My Pleasure”, which are positive words like they say at Chick-fil-a.

    • Stephanie Vanderford June 17, 2021 at 1:20 pm - Reply

      Yes! It’s become such a common way to respond that I have to remind myself not to say it. What happened to “you’re welcome”?

  4. Bruce Scoggin June 15, 2021 at 4:05 pm - Reply

    Like you I quit “tailgating” in order to cut off that person in breezing along past all of us patient folks – makes for a much more relaxed drive.
    Pet Peeve number one – neighbors who stroll in the road when there is a sidewalk. Particularly when there is a curve and a car parked in the curve and I cannot see to swing around that neighbor. I do have a few more, but for the most part, age has given me the insight that life is to short to let the small stuff (and often some of those bigger things) get in the way of living what life I have left.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do look forward to seeing them in my email.

  5. Larry Tucker June 16, 2021 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    Tim, great blog !
    My biggest irritation is when an individual thinks he/she knows everything about everything and so state their opinion as a fact when indeed they are incorrect, yet they expect me to believe what they are saying. We all know someone like this …… I think they are just a big bully.

    I am going to take your advice and put this in God’s hands and pray that this irritation will go away so I can have more time for
    “Happy Thoughts”

    Keep your stimulating thoughts coming! I really enjoy your weekly writings.

    Larry Tucker

  6. Debra Ankeney June 16, 2021 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    Tim, thanks for another great, thought provoking blog!
    One of my pet peeves is the phrase “ya know” after every statement some people make, especially celebrities or politicians! No, I don’t know! It’s annoying at best…but it has become so commonplace, that I do ignore it…(most times)!
    The other peeve is “left lane only” drivers! Going to try and put it in God’s hands…see how it goes!
    Thanks again…keep them coming!

  7. Cele LeBlanc June 16, 2021 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Since moving to Georgia, I’ve noticed two driving issues I don’t want to emulate: the “Georgia roll” through stop signs and how some people completely STOP on a highway before turning right, rather than slowing to a safe speed and easily turning. My teenage grandkids sometimes hear me shout, ”Get off the road, people!” I think I’ll give up that particular frustration!
    Good post, Tim.

  8. Denise Wilson June 16, 2021 at 7:28 pm - Reply

    Truly inspiring, Dr. E. I pick my grandson up from school. Not a day goes by someone is on their phone, not paying attention. One afternoon, I was the person behind THAT car. 5 cars could have jumped in line. Before I could blow the horn, a gentleman got out of his car and sternly asked them to put down the phone and pick up their child. I thank God that I didn’t have to blow the horn and for God to make people more mindful of others.

  9. Jan Rosser June 17, 2021 at 1:09 am - Reply

    Paul’s pet peeve is for me to point my finger at him!
    I invariably get in the wrong check out line at the grocery store because the person in front of me has a credit card that doesn’t work, or they want to chat with the cashier, or they have an item that doesn’t have the price on it and I’m waiting, waiting…..patience is a virtue! With the help of the Lord, I’m working on it! Thanks for the encouragement.
    Jan Rosser

  10. Debbie G June 17, 2021 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Dr. E- I always enjoy your blogs so much! This one left me thinking that I do need to give up the annoyance I feel when the cars are pulling in front of me after passing by all the traffic, On the right. I see this every single day on my way to work!! Drives me crazy, but I’m going to try to let it go.
    Something else that really irritates me is when people are involved in their phone at a stop light and don’t go when the light turns green . Please put the phones down people!! Also all the people who will only drive in the left lane- and go 10 miles under the speed limit!! Good grief!
    Pull over !
    Well, that was a bit of ranting I guess!
    Keep the blogs coming!!

  11. Hilda Bye Schuetz June 23, 2021 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Tim, bless you! I can relate to most of your pet peeves. Life is short, and I try to not let them bother me but it is difficult at times especially the ones regarding road safety. You mention someone asking “How are you? but then don’t stop to hear your answer.” A similar one for me is for someone to say “let’s get together for dinner or lunch” and never following up. Thanks for sharing. Your blogs are interesting.

  12. Ellen July 3, 2021 at 9:11 pm - Reply

    I wish I could get over it like you have – those annoying cars that drive up on the right because, you know, they’re more important than those cars patiently waiting in the left Lane. I’ll work on it!

  13. Matthew July 12, 2021 at 6:55 am - Reply

    Excellent advice. I’m trying to put it into practice! Trying real hard :)

    One of my biggest pet peeves is pedestrians who cross the road as if they know they won’t get run over. It’s probably true—they won’t. But strolling across the road?!
    Ok, Matthew calm down! :)

    A more literary pet peeve would be sentences like these from Dune by Frank Herbert:
    “Paul sensed his own tensions, decided to practice one of the mind-body lessons his mother had taught him.”
    “He studied the tallness of her, saw the hint of tension in her shoulders as she chose clothing for him from the closet rack.”
    Whatever happened to “and”? Sentences like those kick me out of a story more effectively than anything else. There’s just something about them that doesn’t agree with me. Oh well.
    I’m relieved Tim, that you’re well acquainted with “and”! :)

    But it’s now time to take your advice.

Leave A Comment

“Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels; Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles*…These are a few of my favorite things.”

–“My Favorite Things,” from The Sound of Music.

Okay, I admit it up front: I’ve got some pet peeves–things that really bug me. But, hey, we all do! Right? Think about it. What are the things that just make you want to scream?

I don’t mean the major issues of the day: Border security, the environment, racial justice, fiscal policy, etc. I mean the little stuff–the things that irritate you the way a tiny pebble inside your shoe drives you nuts.

At the risk of embarrassment, I’ll list some of mine:

• Drivers who don’t use their blinkers.

• Drivers who look at the “STOP” on a stop sign and somehow see “ROLLING STOP.”

• Drivers who don’t give walkers, runners, and cyclists a wide berth; one misstep or swerve, and….

• Men who wear their ball caps or hats when indoors (especially at restaurants).

• People who try to enter an elevator before those already on it have a chance to exit.

• Weak handshakes with no eye contact.

• People who ask “How are you?,” but then don’t stop to hear your answer.

• People who litter (especially those who’ve obviously dumped their car’s ashtray on the pavement).

I know; small things, for sure. But give me some credit–at least the first three are road safety issues.

Let me tell you about one pet peeve I’ve conquered. It’s drivers who speed past a line of cars and, when the line begins to move, squeeze into your lane, barely missing the front quarter panel of your car.

Man, I hated that–so much so that I’d almost play bumper cars with the car ahead of me just to prevent a car from moving over. Finally, I decided I was being silly, and experiencing way too much angst over it.

It sounds hokey, I know, but I gave it to God (like He cares about such things!), and said, “You know what? I’m over it. I’ll keep my usual distance, and if they move over, so be it.”

Here’s what happened: people stopped trying to butt in ahead of me. Or, maybe they still move over, but I just don’t notice it anymore!

One more thing, before I get to my point: Who’s tired of people wearing their feelings on their sleeves? People who must be approached as though we’re walking on eggshells? Well, get in line.

Society has become so sensitive about everything, and I don’t mean truly offensive stuff; rather, just simple things that were once okay to discuss. Political correctness run amuck. Do we really want to emulate politicians in patterning our behavior? As Kevin said in Home Alone, “I don’t think so.”

Here’s my point. Can’t we just let it go? Stop sweating the small stuff and, by doing so, we’ll realize it’s almost all small stuff! As Dr. Luke once said, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones (Luke 16:10).”

Life is short (which is why we should eat dessert first!). But, seriously, can’t we all show each other a little grace and mercy? When we disagree, can’t we do so without being disagreeable?

Finally, here’s my challenge. Pick one of your biggest pet peeves, and try to give it up–your version of that car that always pulled over and tried to become my hood ornament. See how it goes.

And, dare you be so brave, shoot a comment to me naming just one of your pet peeves. We can all use a reason to smile!

*What the heck is “schnitzel with noodles?!”


  1. Lissa Archer June 15, 2021 at 11:53 am - Reply

    Great blog and great advice, Tim! I do share some of your pet peeves. Here’s another of mine (which also happens to be road safety-related): people who pull right out in front of you as though you’re invisible, drive slowly for one block and then turn right – often without using their blinker!! 😡 Another is pretty disgusting: people who urinate on public toilet seats (obviously in the ladies’ restroom).

    I will try to follow suit and give these irritations over to God and try to practice more patience with others. Our world would be a better place if everyone were more self-less and thoughtful of others. 😇

  2. Torrens Miller June 15, 2021 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    It bothers me when men fail to open doors for the ladies they are with. I see this all the time at restaurants, stores, doctors offices, etc.

  3. Brad Helms June 15, 2021 at 2:48 pm - Reply

    Tim, you always bring interesting things to the table.
    My number one pet peeve is the phrase “No Problem”, that you hear from most waiters, waitresses and from the majority of people that work at grocery stores and retail establishments. How did that phase originate anyway? It’s two negative words. If someone brings me a refill of sweet iced tea and I tell them “Thank You”, if they respond “ No Problem”, does it mean it use to be a problem but not at the present time? Just say “My Pleasure”, which are positive words like they say at Chick-fil-a.

    • Stephanie Vanderford June 17, 2021 at 1:20 pm - Reply

      Yes! It’s become such a common way to respond that I have to remind myself not to say it. What happened to “you’re welcome”?

  4. Bruce Scoggin June 15, 2021 at 4:05 pm - Reply

    Like you I quit “tailgating” in order to cut off that person in breezing along past all of us patient folks – makes for a much more relaxed drive.
    Pet Peeve number one – neighbors who stroll in the road when there is a sidewalk. Particularly when there is a curve and a car parked in the curve and I cannot see to swing around that neighbor. I do have a few more, but for the most part, age has given me the insight that life is to short to let the small stuff (and often some of those bigger things) get in the way of living what life I have left.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do look forward to seeing them in my email.

  5. Larry Tucker June 16, 2021 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    Tim, great blog !
    My biggest irritation is when an individual thinks he/she knows everything about everything and so state their opinion as a fact when indeed they are incorrect, yet they expect me to believe what they are saying. We all know someone like this …… I think they are just a big bully.

    I am going to take your advice and put this in God’s hands and pray that this irritation will go away so I can have more time for
    “Happy Thoughts”

    Keep your stimulating thoughts coming! I really enjoy your weekly writings.

    Larry Tucker

  6. Debra Ankeney June 16, 2021 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    Tim, thanks for another great, thought provoking blog!
    One of my pet peeves is the phrase “ya know” after every statement some people make, especially celebrities or politicians! No, I don’t know! It’s annoying at best…but it has become so commonplace, that I do ignore it…(most times)!
    The other peeve is “left lane only” drivers! Going to try and put it in God’s hands…see how it goes!
    Thanks again…keep them coming!

  7. Cele LeBlanc June 16, 2021 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Since moving to Georgia, I’ve noticed two driving issues I don’t want to emulate: the “Georgia roll” through stop signs and how some people completely STOP on a highway before turning right, rather than slowing to a safe speed and easily turning. My teenage grandkids sometimes hear me shout, ”Get off the road, people!” I think I’ll give up that particular frustration!
    Good post, Tim.

  8. Denise Wilson June 16, 2021 at 7:28 pm - Reply

    Truly inspiring, Dr. E. I pick my grandson up from school. Not a day goes by someone is on their phone, not paying attention. One afternoon, I was the person behind THAT car. 5 cars could have jumped in line. Before I could blow the horn, a gentleman got out of his car and sternly asked them to put down the phone and pick up their child. I thank God that I didn’t have to blow the horn and for God to make people more mindful of others.

  9. Jan Rosser June 17, 2021 at 1:09 am - Reply

    Paul’s pet peeve is for me to point my finger at him!
    I invariably get in the wrong check out line at the grocery store because the person in front of me has a credit card that doesn’t work, or they want to chat with the cashier, or they have an item that doesn’t have the price on it and I’m waiting, waiting…..patience is a virtue! With the help of the Lord, I’m working on it! Thanks for the encouragement.
    Jan Rosser

  10. Debbie G June 17, 2021 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Dr. E- I always enjoy your blogs so much! This one left me thinking that I do need to give up the annoyance I feel when the cars are pulling in front of me after passing by all the traffic, On the right. I see this every single day on my way to work!! Drives me crazy, but I’m going to try to let it go.
    Something else that really irritates me is when people are involved in their phone at a stop light and don’t go when the light turns green . Please put the phones down people!! Also all the people who will only drive in the left lane- and go 10 miles under the speed limit!! Good grief!
    Pull over !
    Well, that was a bit of ranting I guess!
    Keep the blogs coming!!

  11. Hilda Bye Schuetz June 23, 2021 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Tim, bless you! I can relate to most of your pet peeves. Life is short, and I try to not let them bother me but it is difficult at times especially the ones regarding road safety. You mention someone asking “How are you? but then don’t stop to hear your answer.” A similar one for me is for someone to say “let’s get together for dinner or lunch” and never following up. Thanks for sharing. Your blogs are interesting.

  12. Ellen July 3, 2021 at 9:11 pm - Reply

    I wish I could get over it like you have – those annoying cars that drive up on the right because, you know, they’re more important than those cars patiently waiting in the left Lane. I’ll work on it!

  13. Matthew July 12, 2021 at 6:55 am - Reply

    Excellent advice. I’m trying to put it into practice! Trying real hard :)

    One of my biggest pet peeves is pedestrians who cross the road as if they know they won’t get run over. It’s probably true—they won’t. But strolling across the road?!
    Ok, Matthew calm down! :)

    A more literary pet peeve would be sentences like these from Dune by Frank Herbert:
    “Paul sensed his own tensions, decided to practice one of the mind-body lessons his mother had taught him.”
    “He studied the tallness of her, saw the hint of tension in her shoulders as she chose clothing for him from the closet rack.”
    Whatever happened to “and”? Sentences like those kick me out of a story more effectively than anything else. There’s just something about them that doesn’t agree with me. Oh well.
    I’m relieved Tim, that you’re well acquainted with “and”! :)

    But it’s now time to take your advice.

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