“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27 NIV).



Imagine this conversation between two chess players in a hotly contested match:


“Hardly, my friend.”

“But your king’s trapped.”

“That’s no longer my king,” he says, as he uses the piece to take the other’s bishop. “I’m identifying the king as a queen.”

“Say what?”

“Yep. Was a king, now a queen.”

“But you can’t do that. It violates the rules of chess–rules in place since the game was invented.”

“I sure can. It was a king, but I imagined it to be a queen; hence, the change in identity. Think of what this will do to the world of chess!”

“Dude, not only would it never fly in the U.S. or World Chess Championships, it wouldn’t even pass muster at the chess tournament down at the local civic center.”

“All I need is enough people to buy into this concept. You just watch me. I’m gonna change the chess world. You’ll see. “


Okay, not a perfect metaphor, but I bet you know where I’m headed. Yes, the transgender phenomenon. This seemingly came out of nowhere, caught on, and is now thrust into the limelight on a regular basis. Furthermore, those of us with, let’s say, a more traditional opinion of the male and female genders are expected to accept it now as a normal part of mainstream America.

But it isn’t. Don’t take my word for it … just ask Anheuser-Busch. The simple fact is less than half of one percent of the U.S. population, age thirteen and up, identify as trans.

Another simple fact: gender is an identifiable demographic, both by genotype (XX vs. XY) and phenotype (outward appearance). That’s Biology 101 or, as today’s popular chant goes, “That’s the science.”

In my medical training, we studied the condition in which a child is born with ambiguous genitalia. We were taught not to refer to the newborn as “he” or “she” when speaking with the parents; then, once the decision was made as to which phenotype would be most easily achieved surgically, the baby was labeled “boy” or “girl.” That’s how significant gender assignment at birth is, and should remain. Incidentally, this condition is so rare I never saw it in 38 years of practice dealing with thousands of newborns.

To be sure, there are individuals who have gender dysphoria, a disorder in which the person’s biological sex and their gender identity don’t match. I suspect they’re dealing with their confusion painfully and privately. They need expert therapy and our compassion, not ridicule.

Others, however, may be simply caught up in this cultural, “anything goes” phenomenon, and seem happy to flaunt it in parades, on runways, in schools, and on social media. If they’re adults, they’re free to make decisions for themselves–as long as they’re not hurting others, especially children. They don’t seek my opinion or validation.

But exposing young children to trans fashion shows, trans book readings, and trans education at school are all a bridge too far for me. Worst of all, putting ideas in the heads of kids far too young to make such a monumental, life-changing decision as gender reassignment is patently wrong. If you believe that, you should speak up and say it must stop. This is about protecting children, not suppressing rights.

I’m old enough to remember that girls who played “boy games” were tomboys and boys who wore pink were sissies. Those were silly notions, but they dissipated as kids reached adolescence. Today, how many would be labeled “gender confused?” Any child who might yield to the adult influence of gender reassignment and actually consent to it needs counseling and therapy.

What I do regret is that this pop culture focus on gender reassignment is  just another example of people turning away from Biblical principles and believing they’re in charge of their gender. I don’t know the statistics, but I’d wager dollars to donuts that the vast majority of Americans believe God created man and woman, and He didn’t intend for them to mess with His creation.

All of that to say this: It’s with us now, like it or not. I don’t see trans women and trans men going away (By the way, why the “trans” qualifier? If they’re now women, or men, why do they refer to themselves as trans women and trans men?). The rest of us have to decide how we’ll respond to this cultural craze. Can we accept them as people first–God’s children just like everyone else–and not hate them or judge their worth as fellow humans?

I know that’s a big ask, but it’s something worth pondering. After all, who among us wants to cast the first stone?






  1. Rita Iverson April 18, 2023 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    Well said!

  2. Joe Hoover April 18, 2023 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    Can a teen or college guy identify as a female without any physical mutilation and compete in sports with females and undress/shower with the ladies? This is totally unfair for women’s sports not even to mention the gross locker room trauma. There are many secular reasons that make this latest trend as “normal” wrong. It also points to the agenda of many to totally trash Biblical teachings. I’m not surprised about violating Christian and other faiths but I am surprised that the woman’s movement for equal rights are not screaming about this.

  3. Bruce Scoggin April 18, 2023 at 7:17 pm - Reply

    I know a number of folks who identify, gender wise, differently than their birth gender. Some are pastors, others work a jobs within the church and all perform in an excellent manner. Where one identifies with or without surgery, it their choice. HOWEVER, it is not a choice to be made by a child or youth. Science says the brain has not fully developed until a point a person reaches their mid-twenties. When a person reaches the age of legal majority, they are free to make their own decisions. Give them the opportunity to reach that point!

  4. Donna Thomas April 18, 2023 at 10:49 pm - Reply

    VERY well written!!! God doesn’t make mistakes.

    “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  5. Leslie Escue April 21, 2023 at 1:35 am - Reply

    God calls us to love Him first with all of our hearts, souls and minds. He then calls us to love people. I cannot find any exceptions to the “love people” call. Having said that, I wonder if it is loving to allow the emperor to continue to parade around with no clothes on. Loving others sometimes requires us to speak the truth in love.

  6. Michael Copple April 23, 2023 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    How great it is to have unity—being like-minded. We are on the “same wavelength.”
    It has gotten to the point where any one of us in the general population is more qualified to serve as a Justice on the US Supreme Court. The latest addition cannot, without partiality, define woman. This does not require strenuous research. A woman is a female human being who has grown to her adult stage of life. Period.
    Maybe there should be a degree of C.S. awarded to most common people; the “CS” standing for Common Sense.
    Your discussion and motivation for us considering the transgender phenomenon are greatly appreciated. Your 38 years of practice dealing with newborns should not go unheeded.
    Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14 Solomon
    The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15 Solomon
    One of the choice points of view from the evolutionists’ theory is to attempt to stump us with the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” When we use common sense—or better yet—wisdom, we realize that all animals and birds were created, male and female. If a chicken hen alone was created “first” without a rooster; there would be no offspring. The same goes for cattle, horses, dogs, cats, bears, and, most appropriately, for this discussion, human beings.
    He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. Genesis 5:2 Moses
    If we were to continue calling to attention today’s attempt to distort reality, we could go into a lengthy edification on the subject of “climate change” and how we need to listen to politicians rather than the Creator. However, we need not take away from the call for standing up to the subject at hand with Tim’s excellent blog.

  7. Lissa Archer May 2, 2023 at 11:54 am - Reply

    Well-written, Tim! I am in total agreement with you here.

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“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27 NIV).



Imagine this conversation between two chess players in a hotly contested match:


“Hardly, my friend.”

“But your king’s trapped.”

“That’s no longer my king,” he says, as he uses the piece to take the other’s bishop. “I’m identifying the king as a queen.”

“Say what?”

“Yep. Was a king, now a queen.”

“But you can’t do that. It violates the rules of chess–rules in place since the game was invented.”

“I sure can. It was a king, but I imagined it to be a queen; hence, the change in identity. Think of what this will do to the world of chess!”

“Dude, not only would it never fly in the U.S. or World Chess Championships, it wouldn’t even pass muster at the chess tournament down at the local civic center.”

“All I need is enough people to buy into this concept. You just watch me. I’m gonna change the chess world. You’ll see. “


Okay, not a perfect metaphor, but I bet you know where I’m headed. Yes, the transgender phenomenon. This seemingly came out of nowhere, caught on, and is now thrust into the limelight on a regular basis. Furthermore, those of us with, let’s say, a more traditional opinion of the male and female genders are expected to accept it now as a normal part of mainstream America.

But it isn’t. Don’t take my word for it … just ask Anheuser-Busch. The simple fact is less than half of one percent of the U.S. population, age thirteen and up, identify as trans.

Another simple fact: gender is an identifiable demographic, both by genotype (XX vs. XY) and phenotype (outward appearance). That’s Biology 101 or, as today’s popular chant goes, “That’s the science.”

In my medical training, we studied the condition in which a child is born with ambiguous genitalia. We were taught not to refer to the newborn as “he” or “she” when speaking with the parents; then, once the decision was made as to which phenotype would be most easily achieved surgically, the baby was labeled “boy” or “girl.” That’s how significant gender assignment at birth is, and should remain. Incidentally, this condition is so rare I never saw it in 38 years of practice dealing with thousands of newborns.

To be sure, there are individuals who have gender dysphoria, a disorder in which the person’s biological sex and their gender identity don’t match. I suspect they’re dealing with their confusion painfully and privately. They need expert therapy and our compassion, not ridicule.

Others, however, may be simply caught up in this cultural, “anything goes” phenomenon, and seem happy to flaunt it in parades, on runways, in schools, and on social media. If they’re adults, they’re free to make decisions for themselves–as long as they’re not hurting others, especially children. They don’t seek my opinion or validation.

But exposing young children to trans fashion shows, trans book readings, and trans education at school are all a bridge too far for me. Worst of all, putting ideas in the heads of kids far too young to make such a monumental, life-changing decision as gender reassignment is patently wrong. If you believe that, you should speak up and say it must stop. This is about protecting children, not suppressing rights.

I’m old enough to remember that girls who played “boy games” were tomboys and boys who wore pink were sissies. Those were silly notions, but they dissipated as kids reached adolescence. Today, how many would be labeled “gender confused?” Any child who might yield to the adult influence of gender reassignment and actually consent to it needs counseling and therapy.

What I do regret is that this pop culture focus on gender reassignment is  just another example of people turning away from Biblical principles and believing they’re in charge of their gender. I don’t know the statistics, but I’d wager dollars to donuts that the vast majority of Americans believe God created man and woman, and He didn’t intend for them to mess with His creation.

All of that to say this: It’s with us now, like it or not. I don’t see trans women and trans men going away (By the way, why the “trans” qualifier? If they’re now women, or men, why do they refer to themselves as trans women and trans men?). The rest of us have to decide how we’ll respond to this cultural craze. Can we accept them as people first–God’s children just like everyone else–and not hate them or judge their worth as fellow humans?

I know that’s a big ask, but it’s something worth pondering. After all, who among us wants to cast the first stone?






  1. Rita Iverson April 18, 2023 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    Well said!

  2. Joe Hoover April 18, 2023 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    Can a teen or college guy identify as a female without any physical mutilation and compete in sports with females and undress/shower with the ladies? This is totally unfair for women’s sports not even to mention the gross locker room trauma. There are many secular reasons that make this latest trend as “normal” wrong. It also points to the agenda of many to totally trash Biblical teachings. I’m not surprised about violating Christian and other faiths but I am surprised that the woman’s movement for equal rights are not screaming about this.

  3. Bruce Scoggin April 18, 2023 at 7:17 pm - Reply

    I know a number of folks who identify, gender wise, differently than their birth gender. Some are pastors, others work a jobs within the church and all perform in an excellent manner. Where one identifies with or without surgery, it their choice. HOWEVER, it is not a choice to be made by a child or youth. Science says the brain has not fully developed until a point a person reaches their mid-twenties. When a person reaches the age of legal majority, they are free to make their own decisions. Give them the opportunity to reach that point!

  4. Donna Thomas April 18, 2023 at 10:49 pm - Reply

    VERY well written!!! God doesn’t make mistakes.

    “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  5. Leslie Escue April 21, 2023 at 1:35 am - Reply

    God calls us to love Him first with all of our hearts, souls and minds. He then calls us to love people. I cannot find any exceptions to the “love people” call. Having said that, I wonder if it is loving to allow the emperor to continue to parade around with no clothes on. Loving others sometimes requires us to speak the truth in love.

  6. Michael Copple April 23, 2023 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    How great it is to have unity—being like-minded. We are on the “same wavelength.”
    It has gotten to the point where any one of us in the general population is more qualified to serve as a Justice on the US Supreme Court. The latest addition cannot, without partiality, define woman. This does not require strenuous research. A woman is a female human being who has grown to her adult stage of life. Period.
    Maybe there should be a degree of C.S. awarded to most common people; the “CS” standing for Common Sense.
    Your discussion and motivation for us considering the transgender phenomenon are greatly appreciated. Your 38 years of practice dealing with newborns should not go unheeded.
    Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14 Solomon
    The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15 Solomon
    One of the choice points of view from the evolutionists’ theory is to attempt to stump us with the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” When we use common sense—or better yet—wisdom, we realize that all animals and birds were created, male and female. If a chicken hen alone was created “first” without a rooster; there would be no offspring. The same goes for cattle, horses, dogs, cats, bears, and, most appropriately, for this discussion, human beings.
    He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. Genesis 5:2 Moses
    If we were to continue calling to attention today’s attempt to distort reality, we could go into a lengthy edification on the subject of “climate change” and how we need to listen to politicians rather than the Creator. However, we need not take away from the call for standing up to the subject at hand with Tim’s excellent blog.

  7. Lissa Archer May 2, 2023 at 11:54 am - Reply

    Well-written, Tim! I am in total agreement with you here.

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